Our projects
Due to the rapidly increasing pace of global warming, fossil fuel replacement technologies in the energy sector are becoming increasingly important. The use of renewable energy is seen as an attractive solution, and the world is focusing on the introduction of these technologies. Renewable energy sources are natural resources such as wind, sunlight, geothermal heat, etc.
At the same time, our company promotes the production of energy from biomass, a source that allows us to recycle secondary raw materials and production waste.
At the world level, serious measures are being taken to protect the environment, and such acute problems as pollution and illegal logging, etc. are especially noteworthy. Our company, relying on official certificates from the FCS (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC ), promotes the production of biofuels in the form of fuel pellets. We provide support for the protection of nature, develop programs that promote natural and artificial reforestation, in order to save forests from illegal logging.

Research, development, production, purchase and sale of biofuels
Among renewable energy sources, special hope is placed on biofuels.
We are expanding cooperation with Russia and the countries of Southeast Asia in the form of export-import of fuel pellets, which are used as biofuels.
Together with contract deliveries, we have already provided consulting services for the construction and launch of a plant for the production of fuel pellets in Vietnam.
The plans include the construction and launch of a plant for the production of fuel pellets in Russia.
Our company, using already accumulated knowledge and technologies, conducts research and development of new types of fuel together with fuel and equipment manufacturers around the world in order to use new types of fuel in case of complete depletion of current resources.

Renewable energy consulting
Renewable energy sources will become the backbone of the global energy industry in the future.
Our company specializes in biofuels, especially pellets, and using our own experience, we provide support in setting up a company, finding a building site, actually building a plant, introducing production technologies, exporting, importing and selling biofuels in Japan.
In particular, we provide comprehensive consulting services for starting a business in Russia and Southeast Asia.
The felling of trees necessary for the production of fuel pellets has a strong impact on the conservation of forests and the environment in general. We offer solutions tailored to the state of the environment, taking into account the need to conserve forests. We promote business development in the field of renewable energy sources that are safe for the environment. We constantly improve the educational level of employees in the field of ecology.
To facilitate negotiations with partners, the company employs specialists with knowledge of Japanese, English and Russian. Our experts will find the necessary information and offer solutions in accordance with your request, regardless of the location of the business.

Employment agency
Working with Russia and the countries of Southeast Asia, we met various specialists from many countries of the world. And since there are many engineers among them who want to work in Japan, and also given the lack of manpower in this field in Japan, we decided to help specialists find work in Japan.
The philosophy of our company is based on respect for people, so we will provide you with comprehensive and qualified support in matters of employment in Japan.
Working in Japan requires knowledge of the Japanese language and business etiquette. Our company cooperates with many universities, schools and Japanese language courses both in Japan and in Russia, which will help you get the skills and knowledge you need for work.
For those who want to find a job in Japan, register at the link below.
If you want to work for a Japanese company that has never dealt with foreign employees before, we will assist you with interviews, visa applications, and during employment throughout your stay in Japan.